Sunday, June 21, 2009

Risking the burn

As I lathered up in aloe tonight after a delightful weekend in Door County with the company of my family and too many UV rays, I thought about how much I hate getting burned. It is incredibly painful, in the worst cases it leaves blisters that scar, and in the end, I just feel like an absolute idiot for not recognizing the burn until after the pain sets in.

Thinking about how in my quest for a sun-kissed summer glow I had to risk the tomato-red-skin sun-mauling that I was sure would not happen if I stayed out for just another hour, I realized falling in love is kind of similar. Falling in love means allowing yourself to be vulnerable to the risk and burn of heartache, but trusting the one you love not to burn you. And I realized, no one would ever get a sweet tan, or, find love, if they did not at least risk the burn.

In four hours I am getting on a bus with some of my closest high school friends for Young Life camp. They’ll hear the Gospel, and they’ll wrestle with what to do with the message. It is my very deep prayer these kids risk falling in love with Jesus, because in time, I know they will come to realize his love, unlike the sun or other people, will never leave them burned.


  1. I love that you carry a rosary and pocket constitution with you everywhere...which do you use more?

  2. haha, the rosary for sure. but i like to have the pocket constitution on me to hand to people when they start talking about separation of church and state;i ask them to please point it out to me. you'd be surprised how long some people search for it before i graciously clue them in that language is not there =0)

  3. That is sure is a long way from "Congress shall make no law...." to "You can't have a Jesus Saves bumpersticker on your car if you drive by City Hall"

    My thing about the constitution is that it is (or, was) a specific listing of the 20 or so things that the federal government was empowered to far we have sad.

    Thanks for following my blog!!

